The Guild of Thieves

Why buy this game when you can steal it?
Except you can't. Not yet. An amateur like you? Come off it! Now, if you were a fully paid-up member of the notorious Guild of Thieves, things would be different...
Mind you, it's not easy. You might find yourself ditched on a remote jetty by the Guildmaster. You might find that the Guild expects you to ransack a well guarded mansion. To go grave-robbering. Potholing. Or maybe - if they're really doubtful of your abilities - everything at once!
No problem, really, in a country full of helpful natives and friendly wildlife. Trouble is, you´re not in a country like that ! You´re in Kerovnia. Except that the place seems to have gone downhill since then...But you´ll find that out for yourself soon enough. And just one final hint; don't try any funny stuff. The Guildmaster has seen it all before. So has the Gatekeeper. So has he...But why should we give you any hints?
Guild of Thieves, from Magnetic Scrolls, the people who wrote The Pawn, winners of numerous major awards. Graphic illustrations to blow your socks off. Puzzles to blow your brains out. Frankly, we doubt that you're up to it...


To play, ssh to port 8080 of Login in as 'magnetic", password 'scrolls'. Select from the main menu <I> and choose one of the sources:

.mag/.gfx | A1 |
MSDOS | B1 |
Magnetic Windows | C1 |
Commodore 64 | D1 |
Amstrad CPC | E1 |
Spectrum | F1 |
Acron Archimedes | G1 |
Atari XL | H1 |
Apple II | I1 |